Mental Health Support
We support a range of individuals with psychiatric disability within the framework of NDIS service provision. Our clinicians have keen interest in supporting people with mental health conditions or psychiatric disability to live a dignified life by acquiring meaningful self-help skills and strengthening their connections to the community. Our mental health support includes individual counselling, behavioural skill training, positive behaviour support, psychosocial recovery coaching, community engagement, and group therapy work
Psychotherapy and Counselling Services
Seeking balance, harmony and meaning in one’s life is simply a human nature. We assist a wide range of people including those experiencing mental health issues, psychosocial problems, developmental disabilities and disorders to cope with life’s stresses and live in harmony with themselves and other, and achieve their therapeutic goals. We at Sunrise Behavioural Health considers biopsychosocial and developmental variables into our therapeutic practices to achieve better outcomes.
Behavioural Skill Training
We view individuals seeking our therapeutic support through our strength-based lenses and empower them with appropriate skillsets to improve their functional skills that enhance their quality of life and minimizes dysfunctional behavioural patterns. In achieving their functional skills acquisition goals, we utilise Behavioural Skills Training (BST). The BST typically involves multiple intervention components packaged together to address the skills -gaps in individuals’ repertoire which are often closely related to individual’s ability to live a meaningful life.
Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
Recovery coaching provides support to people with psychosocial disability to increase their independence, social participation, and economic participation. Through recovery-enabling relationships and skilled coaching, the participants are supported to build capacity, including strengths and resilience. Recovery coaches also work collaboratively with people, their families, carers, and other services to design, plan, implement and review a recovery plan.